1. Terri Lynn

    I think you have hit the nail on the head here. We need to create cultures that support and sustain collaboration and reflection for transformation. This is not something that will happen over night, and that can be difficult for some, but step by step together, we can make a much needed change.

  2. raddy

    How can a student be successful

    • davedempsey

      Great question Raddy. I would suggest that giving students control in their learning and allowing them to have choice in what they learn will ensure engagement which will ultimately lead to success. Also, we need to ensure we know what we mean by the term “success”. Is success an “A” or and 80% and a pat on the back? I believe success is that a lesson is learned and can be transferred into life situations. Success in learning leads to a broader knowledge of the world and a skill set that has grown and adapted to look at the world differently.

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